Thursday 16 June 2011

Sensory Mural Painting for main wall

Sensory Mural for Main wall




Spiral Gaxy/Milky Way

Space Shuttle

Sensory Rocket


Shooting Star

Stripy Rocket

Child friendly Rocket



Sensory Mural Side Wall Design Meeting !7th June 2011

Design Sketch A

Design Sketch B

Northern Lights

Spiral Galaxy Option 2

Inspiration for Spiral Galaxy Option 1

Shooting Star

Rocket A

Rocket B

Radar Telescopes Domes

Nurse and Patient Star Gazing


Art work to be painted in similar style to main mural. Bright bold high contrast. I would like to create a sensory image of a spiral galaxy (top of mural) in a more textured painterly style to provide a constrasting sensory stimulation to the galaxy swirl in the main mural. I have provided two options for the shape of the galaxy as examples. The nurse/child image will be simple silhoute back lit to provide a high contrast outline. The radar telescope domes simple silhoute & smaller than shown in design options above. The telescope in the foreground bright & striped. The rocket A image back plum from the rocket could spread onto the main mural to provide a link between the main & side wall mural if required.